Pursuing Growth in Crisis

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4 Great Ways to Pursue Personal Growth in Your Midlife Crisis

Many people see midlife as a time of crisis. It’s that dreaded period when we start confronting our mortality, questioning our sense of self, and looking back on life with regrets. But it doesn’t have to be this way! While midlife is almost always a time of significant change and transition, it can actually be a positive experience. Use this period to pursue personal growth. Wine Country Fitness explores a few impactful ways to find a silver lining in a midlife crisis.

Talk to Someone

If you’re struggling with your mental health or you could just use someone to talk to, consider seeing a therapist. Verywell Health notes that therapy offers a range of long-term benefits. For example, therapy can improve your sleep quality, relationships, communication skills, and physical well-being. You’ll learn effective skills for coping with daily life challenges and management techniques for behavioral challenges. And you’ll feel empowered by these improvements. 

Start Your Own Business

If you’re no longer feeling fulfilled with your current career, this could be a great time to break up with the 9-to-5 and start your own business! Look for ways to monetize a personal passion or existing skill. Once you’re set on an idea, write up a business plan detailing everything you need to do to launch and grow your business. Your business plan should include information about how you’re going to structure your company as well as what funding you’ll need. You can learn more in this handy guide on how to start a company.

After writing a business plan, create an invoicing process, so you’re ready to collect payments from your first clients. You can use an online invoice generator to design professional-looking invoices with your own branding. Just choose a template you like and fill it with your own information. Remember to include all the information your clients need in order to pay you promptly!

Improve Your Body Image

People often struggle with body image concerns in midlife. After all, the natural changes occurring in your body during this period can be difficult to accept. Body image isn’t what you see in the mirror but how you perceive and feel about your body. Improving your body image is important for feeling comfortable and confident in your own skin! Cultivating self-awareness is a great way to stop self-judgment. Kindful Body points out that it can also be helpful to stop making comparisons with people, especially those featured in highly-edited social media photos.

Refocus on Physical Health

Prioritizing your physical health is a great way to relieve the woes of a midlife crisis. Perhaps unsurprisingly, physical and mental health are closely linked. Nourishing your body with healthy foods, staying active, practicing yoga, and getting enough sleep will lay a strong foundation for good mental well-being. Focus on picking up healthy habits that will help you feel your best! Find a form of exercise you really enjoy, like walking or jogging – these activities are free and easy to pick up, especially if you live in an area with a high walk score. And learn to cook exciting new recipes that fuel your body and support your gut health.

If you’re struggling with your sleep in midlife, you’re not alone. Hormonal changes and life stressors can keep you up at night. Thankfully, a few sleep hygiene tips can help you get the shut-eye you need to feel balanced and energized during the day. Headspace suggests sticking to a consistent sleep schedule to align with your body’s internal clock. A relaxing bedtime routine can help smooth the transition between wakefulness and sleep. Make sure your room is also dark, quiet, and cool.

Midlife has a bad rap for being a tumultuous and challenging period. But it can also be a time of growth! Turn your midlife slump into a positive experience by starting your own business, focusing on your physical health, and taking care of your mental well-being. Prioritizing personal improvement over the next few years will set you up for long-term health and happiness.

Wine Country Fitness specializes in yoga, strength and flexibility training, basic gymnastic tumbling, or all combined. Connect with certified yoga instructor, personal trainer, and gymnast Ashley Reed today for more info!

This Article was written by Stephanie Hayward. Find her at mylifeboost.com.